At Tire Buddy Recycling, we’re here to help your community recycle different products to help with the environment. As of now, we recycle tires, cardboard and plastic water and pop bottles of all kinds. When bringing down your recyclables, we ask that you scale in on the weigh scale so we can pay you the proper amount for your recyclable waste.
We recycle any type of cardboard. Cardboard boxes, corrugated boxes, food boxes, basically anything that's cardboard.
Rates for the month of March 2025: $50/MT.
Our process is very simple for every customer in 4 steps you’ll be on your way:
Scale In
Dispose of your recyclables
Scale Out
Get Paid $!
Cardboard Recycling in Hamilton, Ontario
Cardboard Recycling in Hamilton, Ontario has many benefits to the local residents as it helps keep cardboard out of landfills, turns old cardboard into new products and is a very green alternative to the environment. Make sure you separate all your cardboard from newspapers, office papers, and folders so we can pay you.
What can I expect when getting paid for my cardboard in Hamilton, Ontario?
Most facilities will take your cardboard for free as they are run by the government but at Tire Buddy Recycling, we will PAY YOU the best price for your cardboard. You can expect a fast and timely service as we will help you offload your recyclables into the proper bins associated with recycling. Have a big volume of cardboard? Call us today to schedule a personalized drop off 9057412251.